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Cardiff University
The AIG has excellent facilities, potentially available to external users. AIG has significant experience of collaboration with industry and research institutions in the UK and abroad.
City University
City university hosts a number of wind tunnel facilities under the banner of the National Wind Tunnel Facility (NWTF). They include a low-turbulence wind tunnel and a transonic facility.
Cranfield University
Cranfield expects to continue using a mix of its own facilities and specialist facilities at other organisations, since collaborations bring benefits to both partners.
Durham University
Durham University has a long track record of working with space facilities and space data. Manufacture, integration and test facilities for space instruments and optics are available for collaborative use by industry and research organisations.
Imperial College - London
Both the Magnetometer Calibration Facility and the EOCF are world class calibration facilities able to support a full range of active characterisation projects for Blackett Laboratory physicists.
Kingston University London
Kingston University has excellent facilities for rocket engine research and is happy to work collaboratively with external academic and commercial users.
Open University
The OU Department of Physical Sciences has excellent facilities to support its in-house planetary research programmes. It is happy to collaborate with external users, subject to availability of resources and normal commercial arrangements.
Queens University Belfast
QUB has excellent facilities to support both its in-house research programmes and external users, subject to normal commercial terms.
Swansea University
Swansea University has long-standing and notable experience in collaboration with industry and research institutions in the UK and abroad.
Ulster University - Belfast & Jordanstown
Ulster University offers excellent facilities and capabilities across advanced engineering, advanced materials technologies, composites, fire testing and material characterisation, and computer science.
University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)
MSSL's facilities are mainly used for internal purposes, but there is some spare capacity to support external customers under usual commercial arrangements.
University of Dundee
The University’s Space Technology Centre has particular expertise and facilities to support research and development of on-board data-handling (OBDH) systems and planetary lander technology.
University of Glasgow Wind Tunnels
Here we suimmarise our high-speed trans-, super- and hypersonic wind tunnel facilities likely to be of interest to the space community.
University of Leicester Space Research Centre (SRC) & Space Park Leicester
The SRC’s facilities have a transient loading and are in principle available for use by external customers - the University has demonstrated experience in accommodating external work, with appropriate planning
University of Manchester Wind Tunnels
The University offers excellent space research capabilities supported by unique experimental facilities including supersonic/hypersonic flows, control systems, space system engineering and remote sensing, and GIS systems.
University of Oxford - Department of Physics
The Department’s environmental test facilities are adequate for its in-house programmes. The facilities are available for use by external customers, subject to appropriate planning and commercial terms.
University of Southampton
The University of Southampton has several departments which offer commercial or collaborative access to specialised space facilities.
University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow was founded in 1796 as the Andersonian Institute, before receiving its Royal Charter in 1964 as the UK's first technological university.
University of Surrey
The University is a centre of Excellence for space and telecommunications research
University of Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies
The Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies is focused on the exploitation and development of disruptive quantum technologies. Access to all facilities is only via individual collaborative agreement.
University of the West of England - Wind Tunnels
The UWE wind tunnel facilities are operated and developed by the department of Engineering, Design & Mathematics in the Faculty of Environment and Technology. The department has two production facilities namely the supersonic and subsonic wind tunnels.