Higgs Materials Cryostat
02 Apr 2020



The Higgs materials Cryostat is a precision controlled small cryostat suited to low temperature small systems testing. 

  • Cryo-vac testing down to 60K (-213°C) or 4K (-269°C)
  • Designed specifically for smaller items
  • Optical and electrical/electronic access during test
  • Located in a controlled-access clean-lab area
  • Engineering support available to help design testing
  • Full technician support included for operation of cryostat and vacuum systems
Use cases
  • Precision-controlled cryogenic-vacuum testing anywhere from room-temperature down to 4K (-269°C)
  • Ideal for component-level testing
  • Confirm correct functional operation during test through optical window and electrical/electronic pass-through connections
Technical details
Vessel Size400mm dia x 700mm (H)
Roughing Vacuum System1 x scroll pump
High Vacuum System1 x turbo pump (pumping station)
Typical Pump Down time1 hour
Base Pressure at Ambient< 5E-4 mbar
Base Pressure cold< 5E-7 mbar
Cooling System1x 2-stage Sumitomo cold-head
Temperature SensorsDT470 with Lakeshore temperature controller
FeedthroughsMultiple electrical ports
Large Vacuum Ports4 x ISO 60 ports, 1 fitted with viewport
Small Vacuum Ports 1 x KF25
Radiation Shielding
Single-stage at 60K
1st Stage cold station~60K configurable station
2nd Stage cold station~4K configurable statio
Pressure Relief DeviceFitted, pop-off @ 0.2bar
Unloaded cool down time~4 hours

Higgs Materials Cryostat
