Optical Fabrication
20 Mar 2018





​The OpTIC Centre is focussed upon the small volume fabrication of large and challenging optics. The optical fabrication facilities are able to manufacture optics up to 1.6 m in diameter, using both conventional polishing methods and also CNC processing. The optical fabrication team is able to develop manufacturing processes for the fabrication of highly aspherical optical surfaces using CNC-based methods. Polishing facilities include: 

· large bridge-type CNC machines: a Zeeko IRP1600 machine, capable of polishing optics up to 1600 mm diameter; and a Zeeko IRP1200 machine, capable of polishing optics up to 1200 mm diameter · Conventional polishing machines: two Bryant Symons dual-spindle GP300 polishing machines and two 600 mm single-spindle polishing machines. These polishing facilities are unique within the UK for the manufacture of large optics.
