Cranfield University - Space Research Centre Facilities
20 Mar 2018





Cleanroom (ISO 8, class 100,000): 4m x 3m x 4m working volume designed for assembly and integration of small satellites (≤100 kg) and payloads (and adjacent cleanrooms capable of providing working volumes to ISO 5 / class 100) · Satellite ground station: Capable of receiving and transmitting on the amateur radio VHF and UHF bands, for work with CubeSats and other small satellites using these bands · Airfield access: with National Flying Laboratory and Cranfield University aircraft · Industry‐standard engineering design tools: AGI’s Satellite ToolKit, ESATAN, CATIA, NASTRAN/ PATRAN, I‐DEAS · Rapid‐prototyping and instrumentation / electronics laboratory · Hypersonic gun tunnel: for launch / re‐entry​ simulaton​​.
