Material Testing Equipment: Zwick Materials Testing Machine and fibre optic strain measurement
20 Mar 2018





​Strain mapping and fibre optic str​​ain measurement​


Type: Z100/TL3A with 3D ESPI Stra​in Measuring System 

Strain mapping and fibre optic strain measurement​

  • Load range: 0 to 100kN ​
  • Materials testing: state-of-the-art instrument with computer aided data acquisition and analysis 
  • High speed camera: Lake-IDT Y-3 High Speed Camera System, 1280x1024 pixels resolution at up to 2000fps 
  • Interfaces: USB2 & Gigabit interfaces, 8Gb memory and digital image correlation 
  • Strain mapping device: LaVision StrainMaster 
  • Strain measurement: embedded fibre optic strain measurement from Luna Innovations (Fibre Pro 2) and wireless strain sensors from Lord (V-link)​​​​
